We partnered with The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald to take an in-depth look at the big issues for Australia, including democracytax reformclimate changeinfrastructurethe obesity crisis, food and work. What's stopping action? Where do the solutions lie?


“We’re all in a system, and we actually all make up that system, and we all determine whether that system works well or not”

Ralph Ashton, Executive Director, Next25 [then Australian Futures Project], on how to short-circuit short-termism in Australia.

The Future Fix Panel Events

The Future Fix Feed the Masses

Feed the Masses

The Age Live: Feed the Masses

Tune in to see National Editor of The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald Tory Maguire and the Australian Futures Project's Director Ralph Ashton with Jessica Irvine (The Age), Tony Bacic (La Trobe University) and Joost Bakker (environmental activist and restaurateur) examine solutions to short-termism in Australian policy making, specifically related to food security for the future.

The Future Fix SMH Skilling Up Sydney Event

Skilling Up

SMH Live: Skilling Up

Tune in to see National Editor of The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald Tory Maguire and the Australian Futures Project's Director Ralph Ashton with Jessica Irvine (The Sydney Morning Herald), Dominic Price (Atlassian) and Sally-Ann Willians (Google) examine solutions to short-termism in Australian policy making, specifically related to food and innovation.
